How we work with clients.


Project Brief and Conceptualization.

The architect or interior designer discusses the project requirements with the client, understanding their vision, preferences, and functional needs. This initial consultation helps establish the design concept and sets the stage for the 3D rendering process.


Gathering Design Documentation.

The designer collects relevant design documentation, including floor plans, elevations, sketches, material references, and any other visual references that provide insights into the project’s aesthetics and spatial layout.


3D Modeling.

The visualization team creates a digital 3D model of the architectural space or interior design, accurately representing the dimensions, proportions, and structural elements. This 3D model serves as the foundation for the rendering process.


Material and Lighting Selection.

Based on the design concept, the visualization team selects appropriate materials, textures, colors, and finishes for surfaces, furniture, fixtures, and other elements within the space. They also work on establishing realistic lighting conditions to create the desired atmosphere and mood.


Texturing and Detailing.

The 3D model is enhanced by applying the selected materials and textures to different surfaces, accurately representing their appearance and characteristics. Attention to detail is given to architectural features, furniture placement, interior finishes, and other design elements.


Rendering and Visualization.

Using advanced rendering software, the visualization team generates high-quality, realistic renderings of the 3D model. This process involves rendering each frame or view, considering lighting effects, shadows, reflections, and other visual elements to create a visually compelling representation of the design.


Review and Feedback.

The architect or interior designer reviews the initial renderings and provides feedback to the visualization team. This iterative process allows for refinements and adjustments based on the designer’s input, ensuring the final renderings align with their vision.


Presentation and Client Review.

The finalized renderings are presented to the client, showcasing the architectural or interior design concept from various angles and perspectives. These visual representations help the client understand and evaluate the proposed design, making it easier to provide feedback and make informed decisions.


Revisions and Finalization.

Based on client feedback, the visualization team incorporates revisions to the renderings as needed. This may include adjusting materials, lighting, furniture arrangements, or making any other necessary modifications. The goal is to refine the renderings until they accurately represent the client’s vision.


Delivery of Final Renderings.

Once the revisions are completed and the client approves the final renderings, the visualization team delivers the high-resolution images or interactive visualizations in the required format. These renderings can be used for client presentations, marketing materials, portfolio showcases, or any other purpose the designer deems necessary.